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1、I'll never win the lottery.

2、I didn't get a raise.

3、I've got the blues today.我今天感到很忧郁.

4、I regret not studying harder.

5、I had no choice in the matter.

6、I wish I wouldn't have said that.


8、Alone at last.最终只生下了我一个人.

9、I blew it、我失败了。

10、It was a waste of time talking to him.纯属浪费时间.

11、It was careless of me to do so.

12、I'm sorry I didn't come to your wedding.

13、That makes sense.

14、All that for nothing、前功尽弃

15、It's depressing.真沮丧

16、Yeah, you let me down、是啊,你真让我很失望

17、What a disappointment! 真让人失望!

18、I shouldn't have done that.

19、I don't mind being alone、我不在乎孤独.

20、What a pity! 太遗憾了!

21、He'll be back next week.

22、You were asking for it.



25、I'm giving up.

26、I feel helpless without you.


1、I no longer feel devoted to this company、我已经不再留恋这个公司了.

2、I'm all alone in this world.

3、Better than nothing、总比没有强.


5、What a disappointment!真让人失望.

6、What do you think?

7、I blew it、我搞砸了。

8、My effort was wasted.

9、No one can understand how I really feel.没人能知道我的感受。

10、Why are you doing it?

11、Nice try、干得不错

12、I went too far、我做得太过分了.

13、What's wrong?

14、What a bummer! /Bummer! 真失望

15、I thought you loved him.

16、I have no other choice.

17、I repent my actions.

18、Cheer up! You'll get a new job.

19、I just forgot.

20、Well, that'll teach you a lesson.

21、My heart has been filled with grief.充满..(我的内心充满了悲伤.)

22、You disappointed me.

23、Oh, dear! 哦!天哪!

24、It makes me feel depressed.

25、Would you lend me ¥5,000?

26、It was all a waste.



2、I feel incomplete、我很空虚

3、I don't have a clue、/I haven't a clue.

4、He looks melancholy、他满脸忧愁。

5、It's history、都已经过去了.

6、I only have five dollars.

7、We have to work overtime again.

8、I was careless.


10、Rainy days make me sad.

11、I don't have any idea.

12、That serves you right.

13、You can't be too sure、什么事都可能发生

14、It's sad、真可悲

15、I wish I had asked him.

16、He's married.

17、I wish I hadn't done that.

18、It was a waste of my effort.

19、I feel down in the dumps today.

20、It's a waste of time、纯属浪费时间。

21、That's why、怪不得。

22、My dog died、--Oh, dear! /Oh, my!天哪!

23、I feel lonely without you.

24、My heart has been filled with grief.我的内心充满了悲伤。

25、Serves you right、活该!/报应!

26、No wonder、不足为奇。


1、All my effort went down the drain.

2、it slipped my mind.不小心给忘了

3、It was meant to be、/It's my destiny.

4、You got what was coming to you.

5、Isn't it though? 就是呀!

6、Why didn't you?


8、See, I told you!

9、I miss you, too、I'll be home soon.

10、I told you, didn't I?

11、It was a waste of effort、白费力了.

12、I feel sad、我感到悲伤。


14、Please talk to me.

15、No one can understand how I really feel.没人能知道我的感受.

16、It was thoughtless of me to do such a thing.

17、All that for nothing、前功尽弃。

18、I really screwed up this time、弄糟了

19、I feel blue./I feel low./I feel really down.

20、No wonder、不足为奇

21、I don't feel satisfied with my life.

22、I'm really unhappy、我感到非常痛苦.

23、I know what you mean.

24、Do you know who stole it?

25、Nobody understands my feelings.

26、It's all over、/It's in the past./It's done with.


1、That figures、果不其然。

2、How did you meet?

3、It's too late now.

4、I feel lonely.我感到很寂寞

5、It is just as I imagined、正如我想象的那样.


7、I'm depressed、我很沮丧。

8、I am sorry for what I have done.

9、Well, it's better than nothing.

10、I feel lonely without my husband.

11、I really messed up.

12、No chance at all、/Fat chance.

13、Rainy days get me down、雨天使我感到消沉。

14、What a shame! 多倒霉!

15、I don't feel loyal to this company any longer

16、It was my only choice.

17、That's why she's so tired.

18、I've got the blues today、我今天感到很忧郁。

19、I raise you $20.再加20美元

20、I give up.放弃了/投降了

21、No, I was too nervous.

22、He looks gloomy today、今天他看上去很郁闷.

23、I had no choice、我别无选择.

24、The sad story depressed me.那悲惨的故事使我心情阴郁.

25、My life is empty.我的生活很空虚.

26、No one can relate to me.



2、Almost! 差不多了!


4、Did you find him.

5、You deserve it.

6、The sad story depressed me.这个悲伤的故事使我心情抑郁。

7、I was too uptight、我太紧张了.

8、It was all for nothing.

9、I had no other choice.


11、I should have known better.我早该弄清楚一些 should have done早该

12、It would have been better to have asked him.

13、Come on! Let's get moving、好了,快点儿

14、We broke up.

15、That's too bad.

16、There's nothing you can do about it.

17、Good for you、这是当然的

18、How ruthless! 真残忍!、真无情!

19、I failed the exam.

20、You never know、很难说/世事难料

21、What did you do?

22、I couldn't go、我没去成

23、I have no idea、/I don't know.

24、She's very busy.

25、I don't feel like doing anything.我提不起精神来做事。

26、See, didn't I tell you so?瞧.我早跟你说过吧?


1、I got a speeding ticket、我超速挨罚了

2、I don't have any enthusiasm for life.

3、Rainy days get me down.雨天让我感到消沉.

4、He looks melancholy、他满脸忧愁.

5、There's nothing I can do about it.

6、I'm lonely、/I feel all alone.

7、I'm finally alone.

8、It makes sense.理所当然

9、No one understands me.

10、shouldn’t have done不该,要是没..就好了

11、It can't be helped、毫无办法。

12、I couldn't help it.

13、It can't be helped、毫无办法

14、I miss you、含有I want to see you和I want to be with you这两种心情。

15、That's why..、难怪…

16、I regret doing that.我后悔做那事.

17、I'll never win、I'm throwing in the towel、我赢不了你,我认输了

18、Did you ask her out?

19、You're too good for me.

20、How ruthless! 真无情!

21、I overdid it.

22、That's the way it goes、没办法 .

23、I feel blue on rainy days.

24、Well, you got what you deserved.

25、It's exactly the way I thought it would be.

26、She stole my customer、抢走..


1、I forgot all about it.

2、It's all my fault、全都是我的错。

3、I screwed up、/ I messed up、我给搞砸了

4、I can't help it、没法子、没辙.

5、Oh, no! I shouldn't have done it.

6、There was nothing else I couldn't have done.

7、I should have known、我早该知道了

8、I no longer feel attached to this company.

9、I should have studied harder.

10、Ah, I get it、啊,知道。

11、It was a waste of effort、白费力了。

12、Make sure it doesn't happen again.

13、My heart broke.我的心都碎了、/I felt heart broken.

14、I know,

15、I shouldn't have said that.

16、No way、根本不可能


18、The game is canceled because of the rain.

19、Did you remember to tell her?

20、It's just like I dreamed.

21、Let's play another game.

22、I'm sorry to hear that.

23、You should stop smoking.

24、You shouldn't have done that.

25、How was it?

26、I'm depressed.我很沮丧 I lost my job.




2、My son died, now I feel empty、我很空虚.

3、Don't talk like that! I understand you.

4、Not a chance! 没戏、没可能

5、Why did you drive my car?

6、I have no other choice but to do so.

7、How uncaring! /How cruel!

8、Too bad、/That's too bad!

9、My life is meaningless.

10、It was fate、这就是命呀!

11、That makes sense.

12、I fold、我不玩了 /I give in.

13、It's hopeless.绝望了 --Don't give up yet.

14、I have no clue、毫无线索

15、I regret my actions.

16、He has a melancholy look.

17、It's my only choice、/I have to.

18、Don't give up so early.

19、My heart broke、我的心都碎了。

20、I'm disappointed with it.

21、What's the answer?

22、I feel really sad、/I'm really sad.

23、That was a mistake.

24、I don't feel like doing anything today.

25、What a let down!

26、You asked for it.


1、You let me down、你真让我失望。

2、See, I'm right.

3、I should have asked him.我要再问他一下就好了.

4、I hate being alone、我感到孤独.

5、It was hasty of me to do so.

6、What a pity、太遗憾了。

7、No, he led me on a wild-goose chase、没有,白费了半天劲

8、I blew it、I lost the customer、我真失策…

9、You should have listened to me.

10、He looks gloomy today.今天,他看上去很郁闷。

11、It's impossible.

12、It beats me、可难倒我了/不知道

13、It's depressing、这真让人沮丧。

14、This is disappointing.

15、I feel sad、/I'm sad、/'m unhappy、我感到悲伤.

16、Anything could happen.


18、The sad story really brought me down.

19、That explains it.

20、I wish I had studied harder、我要是再用功点就好了..wish..had done要是..就好了

21、I acted like a fool.

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