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1、 The muscular musician found the bud in the mud in the museum。

2、 The promising singer underwent mysterious misery。

3、 By the biography, the biologist’s playing the violet violin violently violated rules。

4、 The kid kidnapper can’t get rid of a ridiculous kidney disease。

5、 The physician made a physical examination to the sophisticated philosopher and physicist。

6、 The biscuit compels the mosquitoes quit the equipment。

7、 The pattern of the battery doesn’t matter to the battle against the little brittle cattle。

8、 Last summer the drummer became an amateur dramatist dramatically。

9、 The lying liar lied to the dying diet maker that the tie was dyed blue。

10、 What a nuisance, the suit is ruined due to the unsuitable style。

11、 Long Tongue League’s colleagues are fatigued with cataloguing。

12、 The pop song is popular in the populous city。

13、 The pig is obliged to dig a big pit for the pigeon。

14、 The troop’s stoop on the loop became the top topic at the bus stop。

15、 My niece sacredly sacrificed a piece of pie to the God。

16、 The continent continues to control the import of petrol and petroleum。

17、 Banned murders in the suburb bring turbulent disturbance and burden to the urban turbine works。

18、 The bottle is hidden in the bottom of a ton of cotton the cottage。

19、 The ribbon of the rifle is fabricated with fibre。

20、 In the Administration, this minister is in charge of registering regional religions。

21、 I also heard of the false pulses elsewhere。

22、 The guide disguised his guilty of mixing the liquor with a liter of liquid。

23、 Bowing its elbow, the owl sows in the bowl。

24、 In the faithful waiter’s waist exists a list of the ten listeners。

25、 The typist plays Typhoon on the piano in a typical style。

26、 The poor man in poverty sleeps on the floor at the doorway。

27、 The energetic enemy submerged in the water on the verge of the emergency。

28、 The answer is: Owing to a shower, the powerful powder is no longer on show。

29、 In this district I can strictly distinguish the distinct distinctions of bees’ stings by instinct。

30、 I pushed aside the crushed cushion in a rush and saw a bushy brush。

31、 Riding on the ridge of the bridge, the proud bride shouts loudly to the cloud。

32、 In the log lodge he said some illogical apologies。

33、 The decisive decimal point made the acid man decide to suicide。

34、 The hidden division is subdivided into individuals。

35、 Perhaps something happy will happen to the unhappy man。

36、 The unyielding man fiercely pierced the shield in the field。

37、 They returned in turn to bury the luxuries burnt in the burst。

38、 The slogan crier saw the dog and frog jump to and fro in the fog。

39、 The judge has prejudice to the juicy fruit。

40、 Regretfully, we can’t regulate the irregular liner on the gulf。

41、 The cowardly cow vows not to tow vowels。

42、 The briber described the tribe head’s bribery。

43、 The sinful single singer’s finger skin is singular。

44、 I’m convinced that the provincial government will provide provisional provisions。

45、 I recognized the large-sized prize and seized it。

46、 The chop shopkeeper let the blood drip to the crops。

47、 “The enterprise will be supervised by a group comprising prominent men,” the despising chairman said concisely with no compromise。

48、 The Greek checked his cheeks on the weekend。

49、 A nice price of the iced rice is offered to the officer。

50、 The tides slide on the tidy wide beach and collide each other。


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