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1、chase rainbows做白日梦

2、We save money for a rainy day、

3、The accused didn't commit the murder,he is as white as snow、

4、She passed the audition and now she is on cloud nine、

5、right as rain 身体健康,一切正常

6、fair-weather friend泛泛之交

7、Cloud 9


9、Save for a rainy day 未雨绸缪

10、I just got sacked and my wife left me!So it never rains but it pours!

11、on cloud nine 飘飘然如上九重天


13、know which way the wind blows了解情况

14、If you believe what he said, you are sailing close to the wind、

15、据说,cloud nine是美国气象服务中的一个术语。在气象服务中,各种不同的云系都有各自的数字代号,如,1号云系、2号云系。那么9号云系是哪种云呢?9号云系是一种叫做"积雨云"的特定代号。而"积雨云"的位置最高,因此,cloud nine就成了"处在世界顶峰"的形象代名词,用来形容一种"情绪高涨"的状态,和现在十分流行的"High"差不多。

16、It never rains but it pours 不雨则以,一雨惊人

17、A true friend is the one who shows up when you are in trouble, a fair-weather friend is the one who shows up when you are in happiness、

18、You can't always have your head in the cloud,you need to be down-to-earth、


20、He never tells his thoughts until he knows which way the wind blows、


22、来看一个例子:He was on cloud nine after winning the marathon、(他赢了马拉松比赛之后,极度兴奋。)

23、head in the cloud 不切实际,好高骛远

24、Chasing rainbows won't get you anywhere、


26、从来不会想到"无比幸福"的状态可以说成on cloud nine。Cloud nine,"9号云",怎么和"狂喜、高兴"联系起来的呢?这背后可有一个很有趣的小故事。

27、I was sick,but now I feel as right as rain、


29、white as snow纯洁无辜


31、sail close to the wind冒险

32、be snowed down工作太多做不过来

33、I've been snowed down by my work!

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