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2021考研英语 翻译_2023年考研英语:英语高分句子翻译六(精选51句)


1、 I guess the guest' s gesture suggested that he could not digest well、

2、 I gripped the striped strip that tripped me over on the ship、

3、 The forecaster contrasted the cast castle with the vast desert、

4、 The submitted submarine on the magic magazine is shining and magnificent、

5、 During the festival the investor investigated his ancestor、

6、 The airport and seaport are important to import and export of portable goods、


8、 I tasted the paste in haste and cast it on the waste plaster、

9、 I' m inclined to underline these disciplines in the outline written on linen、

10、 In the bar the barber bargained for a jar of jam, then got over the barrier of barrels、

11、 With the reporter' s support, the sportsmen are transported to the airport、

12、 On the eastern Easter feast, at least one beast' s breasts were tested with yeast、

13、 The young youths lounged in the south mouth of the cave for one month、

14、 After the blast the plastics show everlasting elasticity、

15、 After a fortnight' s torture, the unfortunate man got an opportunity to escape the misfortune、

16、 I got this sort of comfortable soft shorts with no efforts、

17、 My nephew found a few dewdrops on the Jewish jeweler' s jewel、

18、 The scraped escapee taped the grapes into various shapes、

19、 In the past the compass could pass passion to the passive man having pastime on the pasture、

20、 On the Christmas the Christian' s assistant fisted Pistol Piston and twisted his wrist、

21、 The button utters in mutter, "The butterfly likes the buttered earthnut/peanut、"

22、 My sister insists consistently on persistent resistance to transistor radios、

23、 On the porter' s passport a portion of the portrait isn't proportional、

24、 The master' s masterpiece caused a disaster to headmaster、

25、 The crew unscrewed the screws from the sewing-machine and chewed them、

26、 The pretty priest protested the contest of protein test、

27、 The trembles of the umbrella assembly lines have resemblances、

28、 The commonsense commonwealth government no longer uses the uncommon commonplace、

29、 The astronaut, an astronomy fan, is astonished at the gymnastics show in the gymnasium、

30、 The sugared vinegar is refined from the sugarcane and pine、

31、 The interviewer reviewed the newspaper and renewed his viewpoint on the news、

32、 On the wedding I saw blooms embedded in the bed of the bedroom、

33、 The chemist and the mistress insist that the mist consists of several chemicals、

34、 Thus the enthusiastic dumb man thumbed the humble man' s umbrella、

35、 The fisherman wishes to finish the dish of reddish fish、

36、 Subsequently the eloquent man frequently asked the consequence of quenching in sequence、

37、 The pitch made me itch、 I pitched the switch into the ditch around the kitchen、

38、 With his lips the sly fly clipped the slippery slipper that eclipsed his sight、

39、 The communist communicated communism to this municipal community、

40、 The refiner defined a definite confine with her fine finger、

41、 With time elapsing, the flaps collapse up on his clapper's lap、

42、 The engineer examined the engine of the mining machine for stomach、

43、 The incapable man in cap went into the hospitable capital hospital、

44、 In this semester the westerner thinks Chest Orchestra is the best、

45、 “What a marvelous carving!” the starving harvester in vest said、

46、 I' m interested in why he is arrested while resting in aural restaurant in the forest、

47、 The quarrelsome general quarreled about a quarter quart of oil in the headquarters、

48、 I scratched a match and saw my watch catching a patch、

49、 We are dined and wined in the inner dining-room of the inn、

50、 Henceforth, the north wind is worthless to the northerners、

51、 The bird nests only in northeast, northwest, southeast and southwest lest it be found、

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