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3、As a matter of history, says Mr Opala in his lawsuit, state judges would not resort to federal court to settle their differences、In the last 20 years though a body of law has developed called employment law、It provides norms for hiring, firing, promotion and demotion.

4、Mr Opala was livid, alleging a plot between Mr Watt and the courts young Turks (the youngest is 52) to deny him his rightful place on the bench.

5、The post of chief justice has rotated, every two years, among justices who have served at least six years、Under those rules Mr Opala should be next in line、But his colleagues changed the rules so that the current chief justice, Joseph Watt, could extend his term by two years.




9、In his lawsuit Mr Opala insists he enjoys good health and sound mental acuity and was unfairly denied the ceremonial duties and higher salary that come with the top post.


11、But others regard the fact that he has taken the issue to court as grounds enough to bar him from the job.

12、A supreme court judge in Oklahoma is suing colleagues on the bench for passing him over for the states top judicial job because he is too old.

13、Marian Opala, 83, will take fellow judges to court for age discrimination after a rule change denied him his turn to be the states supreme court chief justice.

14、A supreme court judge in Oklahoma is suing colleagues on the bench for passing him over for the states top judicial job because he is too old.

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